While the author believes that the views expressed in this work are in accordance with Christian truth, she submits her judgment to that of the Holy Church and will of course retract any views found by authority to be in error.

Cute Little Totoro

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Combatting hypocrisy

So I was wandering along the internet, looking for things to do, and suddenly I thought "hey, I'll look at people's blogs." And so I looked at people's blogs, because it was a good idea, or at any rate, not a bad idea. I do have bad ideas sometimes. Like being an engineering student for 2 years, and not writing a research paper last year for a class. Anyway, I was looking at blogs and I was like "jeez people, update a little more often." I was filled with rightous ire at those who had not posted blog entries since I checked blogs at ten this morning.

And then I realized that I had not updated my blog since yesterday. How dare I complain about people's lack of posting, when I myself was equally un-up-to-the-minute. I cried with shame, and vowed to write an entry posthaste. Then I went to the edit your blog page, and realized I had extremely little to say. Then, without remedying that situation, I started typing, and looked up "posthaste" at dictionary.com to make sure it meant what I thought it meant (it did), and you know the rest.

The rest is pathetic.


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