While the author believes that the views expressed in this work are in accordance with Christian truth, she submits her judgment to that of the Holy Church and will of course retract any views found by authority to be in error.

Cute Little Totoro

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Fame, Part 2!

Woo Hoo! My climb to world-wide fame has advanced another step! The wonderful Miss Melanie has put me one her list of people she wants to see again at least once before she graduates! Apparently I'm a hilarious Episcopal conservative.


I guess this means I should go to a CLA meeting sometime soon. I haven't been in months.

Oh well. Back to work. If anyone knows how to do CIPW norm calculations, let me know.

P.S. If you haven't noticed by now, the way to my heart is attention and compliments. Arrange your actions accordingly.


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