While the author believes that the views expressed in this work are in accordance with Christian truth, she submits her judgment to that of the Holy Church and will of course retract any views found by authority to be in error.

Cute Little Totoro

Wednesday, April 21, 2004


Update! Update! Rory and Beth should shut up now! I have updated. Huzzah.


Nothing much happening. For a few breif moments this weekend, my feet looked like real feet, and not like...ellipsis...something not feet. I'll come up with a better simile later. Later than now. After this point in time.

In case anyone cares, it appeares that my upper wisdom teeth have never grown in. That, or I have forgetten a tooth extraction. Which seems unlikely. Given the nature of the beast. The beast that is tooth extraction.

Beast. That's a cool word.

Ok, that's enough.

No more.

For now.


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