While the author believes that the views expressed in this work are in accordance with Christian truth, she submits her judgment to that of the Holy Church and will of course retract any views found by authority to be in error.

Cute Little Totoro

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Camping part 2

Hurray! No rain, no cold, an acceptable amount of heat! The last camping trip of the semester has been sucessfully completed! Highlights of the trip can be read here, copied from Bryant's rather amusing, if a little depressing, blog:

(begin plagarism)

final field exercise camping highlights:

me (studying chinese) : aw man...i'm gonna fail this final
field methods professor : don't you mean you're going to fail that final too?

me : what's for dessert?
T.A. : corn...mmm...dessert corn

me : cookie?
T.A. : ugh no, i already had 3 ears of dessert corn

*campfire burns nearby*
professor : hmm, i'm gonna throw in some charcoal *shakes bag*
me : the bag's still closed, you might want to...
*professor throws the bag into the fire walks away*
me : well...all right then

there were also an alarming number of mating animals like bugs, salamanders, and turtles all around

and how was your weekend?

(end plagarism)

Great stuff

I didn't see any mating animals, or turtles, but I did see a deer jawbone lying on a rock, and I saw the Lamotte sandstone and an unnamed granite, and some blue birds, and a black snake that was really long, and a russian family, and some other cool stuff.

So, 4 classes down, 1 to go.

I haven't failed anything yet, but there is still Petrology, which I have no real hope of getting above a D in. Hopefully I can beg and plead with professor Dymek. Otherwise, the grades are coming along nicely:
Earth Forces - B-
Greek and Latin Roots - A-
Immigrant Expirience - Pass (I took it pass fail)

Off I go.

No, wait, thank you to Clare for the C. S. Lewis books, and thank you to Rory for the picture of young Clint Eastwood. They're all great things.