Cute Little Totoro
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Blog entry, of a sort, idea stolen from mike
Hello all, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm sleepy, but I thought I'd put something up, but I didn't want to think. So, here are some words of wisdom from G. K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy, and also, some words of wisdom from G. K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy translated into "h4X0r". Enjoy!
For this reason (we may call it the fairy godmother philosophy) I never could join the young men of my time in feeling what they called the general sentiment of revolt. I should have resisted, let us hope, any rules that were evil, and with these and their definition I shall deal in another chapter. But I did not feel disposed to resist any rule merely because it was mysterious. Estates are sometimes held by foolish forms, the breaking of a stick or the payment of a peppercorn: I was willing to hold the huge estate of earth and heaven by any such feudal fantasy. It could not well be wilder than the fact that I was allowed to hold it at all. At this stage I give only one ethical instance to show my meaning. I could never mix in the common murmur of that rising generation against monogamy, because no restriction on sex seemed so odd and unexpected as sex itself. To be allowed, like Endymion, to make love to the moon and then to complain that Jupiter kept his own moons in a harem seemed to me (bred on fairy tales like Endymion's) a vulgar anti-climax. Keeping to one woman is a small price for so much as seeing one woman. To complain that I could only be married once was like complaining that I had only been born once. It was incommensurate with the terrible excitement of which one was talking. It showed, not an exaggerated sensibility to sex, but a curious insensibility to it. A man is a fool who complains that he cannot enter Eden by five gates at once. Polygamy is a lack of the realization of sex; it is like a man plucking five pears in mere absence of mind. The aesthetes touched the last insane limits of language in their eulogy on lovely things. The thistledown made them weep; a burnished beetle brought them to their knees. Yet their emotion never impressed me for an instant, for this reason, that it never occurred to them to pay for their pleasure in any sort of symbolic sacrifice. Men (I felt) might fast forty days for the sake of hearing a blackbird sing. Men might go through fire to find a cowslip. Yet these lovers of beauty could not even keep sober for the blackbird. They would not go through common Christian marriage by way of recompense to the cowslip. Surely one might pay for extraordinary joy in ordinary morals. Oscar Wilde said that sunsets were not valued because we could not pay for sunsets. But Oscar Wilde was wrong; we can pay for sunsets. We can pay for them by not being Oscar Wilde.
for this reaspon (we mya call it teh fairy fgOdmotedhR philosophy)) i neverr oUld jo1n teh yunG men of my tmie in feeking what They called thE general Sentiment of revolt. i sh0uld ahve resist3D, lrt uz hope, any r0x0rs that were Evil, and \\\\////\\\\////ith tehse and their Definition i shall dea lIn anothef chapter~~~~~~ BUT I DID NOT F3EL DISPOsED TO RESIsT AYN REOXOR mERELY BECUZ ITW AS YMSTAIR0UZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ EST8S AR SOMETIUMES HELD BY FOOKISH FORMZ, THE BREAKIN OF A STIX0 RRO THE PAYMENT F A PEPPERCRON: I WAS WILL1NGT O HOLD TH3 HuGE ESRT4T EOF DARTJH ANDHEAV3N BY AYN USCH FEUD4L F4NTASY,,, it colud not wrll be wild3r ht4j teh fact that 1 wa sa7lowed tO hold it at 4lL... at This stagei give 0nly 0ne eth1cal insTance to show mt mEna1|\|g. LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~ i c0ulfd nrver miXOr imn the comj0n murmur of that irsin ggenaration against m0ogamy, because n0 retsriction on seX0r seemed so od and unexpected as seX0r itself~~~~ to be allowed,, liek 3ndy/\/\ion, to amke 7ov etoi teh nmoion and the nTo complain thhat jupitar kepthi sow|\| moons in a Harem seemd to me (bred no fa1ry atles ll1ek endymion"s) a vulgaqr 4nti-cliMaX0r HAX0R THE PLANNT KEEPING TO ONE BABE S1 A SMALL PRICE FRO SO MUCH ZS SEIENG ONE BABE// to co/\/\p7aqin that i c0uld o|\|ly be marreid 0nce wsa like complia|\|ing that i ashd on7y been bro|\| once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 you are Lame,,, 1r waz icnommensurate wIth Teh terRibklE excitement of whicjh one was tAlkung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~ it shoiwed, ont an exaggerated senaibiliTy t0seXr0, bUt a curiuouus insensibility to it A MAN IS A FOOL WHO C0M;PLAINZ THAt HE CANNOT ENT4R DEN By FIVE GATS ZAT NOC3 OOLLOOLOL!!!!!!!!1~~~~ POLYGAMMY II SAL AX0R 0F TE HREAIZATION OF SEX; IT SI LIEK A MAN PLUX0RING fVIE PEARS I|\| MERE ABSENCE OF MIND// THEIR 1 SA RATIO DO|\|T RIPE ME OFF TEH ESTEHTES TOUCEHDTEH LAST INSANE ILM1T SOOF LANGUAGE IN TEHIR EULOGY 0N L0VELY TIHNGS... t eh thistledown mafd3 teH/\/\ weep; aburniashed beetle brought th3m to thjeir kn3es!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~ YWT TEHIR EMTOUO|\| NEVAR IMRESSED M3 FRO AN INSTANT, FRO THIS REASN, THAT IT NEVER OCCURRED To TEHM TO APY FOR ETH1R PLEASUTRE IN ANY SROT OF SYNMBO7IC SACIRFICE,,, LOLOLOLOLO~~~ menn ((u fe7t) m1ght fats fr0tyt days for teh sAke of heaRng a blaX0rbird sing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ MEN MIGHT GO THORUGH FiRE TO FNID A COWSLIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOLOLO Y3RT TEHSE L0VERS Of BEAUTYCOULD |\|OT EVEN KEEp SOBER FOR THE BLXA0RBIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~~ DONT RIPE ME OFF b3cuas3I wilL h4ck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 tehy would no tgo tthrough com/\/\on ChrIsrian m4rriage by awy 0f r3compense to the c0wslip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ sur3ly on emight pay fro extraRodianry Joy 1n ordinary Mtoalas!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ come 2 my ftp cause ur lame OCSAR WILDE SaID THAT DSUNESTS WWERE NOT V4lUED BECSUSE WE COULD NOT PAT FOR SUNSETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~ bu soacr wilde was werong;; we Can pay fro suNSrrts!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~~ we an oAy frto thhem b ynot bieng osc4r wilde..
For this reason (we may call it the fairy godmother philosophy) I never could join the young men of my time in feeling what they called the general sentiment of revolt. I should have resisted, let us hope, any rules that were evil, and with these and their definition I shall deal in another chapter. But I did not feel disposed to resist any rule merely because it was mysterious. Estates are sometimes held by foolish forms, the breaking of a stick or the payment of a peppercorn: I was willing to hold the huge estate of earth and heaven by any such feudal fantasy. It could not well be wilder than the fact that I was allowed to hold it at all. At this stage I give only one ethical instance to show my meaning. I could never mix in the common murmur of that rising generation against monogamy, because no restriction on sex seemed so odd and unexpected as sex itself. To be allowed, like Endymion, to make love to the moon and then to complain that Jupiter kept his own moons in a harem seemed to me (bred on fairy tales like Endymion's) a vulgar anti-climax. Keeping to one woman is a small price for so much as seeing one woman. To complain that I could only be married once was like complaining that I had only been born once. It was incommensurate with the terrible excitement of which one was talking. It showed, not an exaggerated sensibility to sex, but a curious insensibility to it. A man is a fool who complains that he cannot enter Eden by five gates at once. Polygamy is a lack of the realization of sex; it is like a man plucking five pears in mere absence of mind. The aesthetes touched the last insane limits of language in their eulogy on lovely things. The thistledown made them weep; a burnished beetle brought them to their knees. Yet their emotion never impressed me for an instant, for this reason, that it never occurred to them to pay for their pleasure in any sort of symbolic sacrifice. Men (I felt) might fast forty days for the sake of hearing a blackbird sing. Men might go through fire to find a cowslip. Yet these lovers of beauty could not even keep sober for the blackbird. They would not go through common Christian marriage by way of recompense to the cowslip. Surely one might pay for extraordinary joy in ordinary morals. Oscar Wilde said that sunsets were not valued because we could not pay for sunsets. But Oscar Wilde was wrong; we can pay for sunsets. We can pay for them by not being Oscar Wilde.
for this reaspon (we mya call it teh fairy fgOdmotedhR philosophy)) i neverr oUld jo1n teh yunG men of my tmie in feeking what They called thE general Sentiment of revolt. i sh0uld ahve resist3D, lrt uz hope, any r0x0rs that were Evil, and \\\\////\\\\////ith tehse and their Definition i shall dea lIn anothef chapter~~~~~~ BUT I DID NOT F3EL DISPOsED TO RESIsT AYN REOXOR mERELY BECUZ ITW AS YMSTAIR0UZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ EST8S AR SOMETIUMES HELD BY FOOKISH FORMZ, THE BREAKIN OF A STIX0 RRO THE PAYMENT F A PEPPERCRON: I WAS WILL1NGT O HOLD TH3 HuGE ESRT4T EOF DARTJH ANDHEAV3N BY AYN USCH FEUD4L F4NTASY,,, it colud not wrll be wild3r ht4j teh fact that 1 wa sa7lowed tO hold it at 4lL... at This stagei give 0nly 0ne eth1cal insTance to show mt mEna1|\|g. LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~ i c0ulfd nrver miXOr imn the comj0n murmur of that irsin ggenaration against m0ogamy, because n0 retsriction on seX0r seemed so od and unexpected as seX0r itself~~~~ to be allowed,, liek 3ndy/\/\ion, to amke 7ov etoi teh nmoion and the nTo complain thhat jupitar kepthi sow|\| moons in a Harem seemd to me (bred no fa1ry atles ll1ek endymion"s) a vulgaqr 4nti-cliMaX0r HAX0R THE PLANNT KEEPING TO ONE BABE S1 A SMALL PRICE FRO SO MUCH ZS SEIENG ONE BABE// to co/\/\p7aqin that i c0uld o|\|ly be marreid 0nce wsa like complia|\|ing that i ashd on7y been bro|\| once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 you are Lame,,, 1r waz icnommensurate wIth Teh terRibklE excitement of whicjh one was tAlkung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~ it shoiwed, ont an exaggerated senaibiliTy t0seXr0, bUt a curiuouus insensibility to it A MAN IS A FOOL WHO C0M;PLAINZ THAt HE CANNOT ENT4R DEN By FIVE GATS ZAT NOC3 OOLLOOLOL!!!!!!!!1~~~~ POLYGAMMY II SAL AX0R 0F TE HREAIZATION OF SEX; IT SI LIEK A MAN PLUX0RING fVIE PEARS I|\| MERE ABSENCE OF MIND// THEIR 1 SA RATIO DO|\|T RIPE ME OFF TEH ESTEHTES TOUCEHDTEH LAST INSANE ILM1T SOOF LANGUAGE IN TEHIR EULOGY 0N L0VELY TIHNGS... t eh thistledown mafd3 teH/\/\ weep; aburniashed beetle brought th3m to thjeir kn3es!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~ YWT TEHIR EMTOUO|\| NEVAR IMRESSED M3 FRO AN INSTANT, FRO THIS REASN, THAT IT NEVER OCCURRED To TEHM TO APY FOR ETH1R PLEASUTRE IN ANY SROT OF SYNMBO7IC SACIRFICE,,, LOLOLOLOLO~~~ menn ((u fe7t) m1ght fats fr0tyt days for teh sAke of heaRng a blaX0rbird sing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ MEN MIGHT GO THORUGH FiRE TO FNID A COWSLIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOLOLO Y3RT TEHSE L0VERS Of BEAUTYCOULD |\|OT EVEN KEEp SOBER FOR THE BLXA0RBIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~~ DONT RIPE ME OFF b3cuas3I wilL h4ck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 tehy would no tgo tthrough com/\/\on ChrIsrian m4rriage by awy 0f r3compense to the c0wslip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ sur3ly on emight pay fro extraRodianry Joy 1n ordinary Mtoalas!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ come 2 my ftp cause ur lame OCSAR WILDE SaID THAT DSUNESTS WWERE NOT V4lUED BECSUSE WE COULD NOT PAT FOR SUNSETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~ bu soacr wilde was werong;; we Can pay fro suNSrrts!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~~ we an oAy frto thhem b ynot bieng osc4r wilde..
posted by Ryan, 9:55 PM