While the author believes that the views expressed in this work are in accordance with Christian truth, she submits her judgment to that of the Holy Church and will of course retract any views found by authority to be in error.

Cute Little Totoro

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Old Book Reveiws!!

Doing a bit of blog housekeeping.

Title: A Tale of Two Cities
Author: Charles Dickens
Genre: Fiction.
Plot: So there's this guy, and there's this other guy who looks a lot like him, and then there's the French Revolution. Also, a crazy shoemaking doctor.
Christian?: Not explicitly so, but yes.
Was it good?: It was excellent!
At least three other "things":
Best Character: Sydney Carton
Best Lines: (During the first trial, questions are the lawyer, non-questions are the witness)
Ever been kicked? Might have been. Frequently? No. Ever been kicked down-stairs? Decidedly not; once received a kick on the top of a staircase, and fell downstairs of his own accord.
Things I've learned by reading this book: Charles Dickens is funny. "Resurrection Man" is a euphamism for a person who digs up corpses illeagally to sell to doctors.

Title: The Place of the Lion
Author: Charles Williams
Genre: Fiction
Plot: Oh God. I'll try, but make no promises. So there's this guy. And an escaped Lioness. And these principles, represented by animals. These principles are wandering around, absorbing the earthly animals that correspond to them, and possesing people who are like them (the sly conniving person is absorbed by the snake, the vicious violent man by the lion) And they have to be stopped. By a man named Anthony and a woman named Damaris.
Christian?: Yes, by an Anglican, but very mystical, with Kabbalah type stuff.
Was it good?: Yes, very good. I think.
At least three other "things":
WTF?: It makes a lot more sense if you read the book.
Best line: Perhaps there isn't an Archetypal Sheep.
Redemption Story?: YES! I love redemption stories! Damaris and Quentin!

Title: Tales of the Long Bow
Author: G. K. Chesterton
Genre: Fiction
Plot: So there's this group of guys that sort of make expressions true (make pigs fly, make purses out of sows ears, ect.), and while doing so, lead a revolution in England.
Christian?: Yep
Was it good?: Yep
At least three other "things":
Was it weird?: Yes
Best Character: Col. Crane, or Archer
Further Comments: Not the first Chesterton book that I would recommend. If you haven't read any Chesterton, start with Orthodoxy, or the Innocence of Father Brown.


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